Thursday, October 29, 2015

Trend in housing

Housing experts say that the Millennial Generation likes to move into urban areas versus suburban areas. The trends indicate that living in the city is what appeals to Millennials and that their lifestyles don't require a lot of living space. If a loft or a condo is in your future, whether in an urban area or not, make certain to get the property inspected before you buy.

It's sometimes easy to think that you don't need to have a complete home inspection done on a condo or loft because they don't have many of the same concerns as a free-standing home (perhaps no roof immediately over your living space, perhaps no basement or crawl space immediately below your living space, etc.). But, as many have found by having a complete home inspection done for them, condos and lofts still had many systems and features that needed a complete inspection.

Your inspection includes the plumbing, electric, heating and cooling systems, as well as the appliances, doors, walls and windows. You get a lot of peace of mind from knowing the condition of each of these systems and items BEFORE you buy. You can test for mold, too, if you wish.

Whether it's a high-rise condo downtown or in the Plaza area, a townhouse-type condo with its own roof and foundation, or a loft in one of the magnificent old buildings downtown, have your property thoroughly inspected by Complete Home Inspection.

Condo inspections, whole house inspections, radon testing, mold testing, and more, we can do it all for you. Call or E-mail today to schedule your appointment, 913-268-0222.