Money magazine reported in its July issue that prices and mortgage rates for condos are low and choices are plentiful. One housing analyst was quoted as saying, "There are deals of a lifetime out there...".
Should you have your new condo inspected before you buy? Yes. Sometimes it seems as though a condo doesn't need a complete inspection because it doesn't have many of the same concerns as a free-standing home (perhaps no roof immediately overhead your living space, perhaps no basement or crawl space immediately below, etc.).
But your condo still has many of the same systems that need a complete inspection so that you'll know their condition before you buy. Your condo inspection includes the plumbing, electric, heating and cooling systems, appliances, doors, and windows. So you see, you can get a lot of peace of mind by having your condo inspected before you buy. You can test for mold, too, if you wish.
Condo inspections, whole house inspections, radon testing, mold testing, and more, we can do it all for you. Call today to schedule your inspection, 913-268-0222, Complete Home Inspection.