Monday, June 29, 2009

"Hey, we've got waterfront property now!"

The rains so far this year in Kansas City, especially our most recent downpours, may have you suddenly living "on the water" as your basement became wet.

The best ways to combat a wet basement are to clean out your house's gutters and to grade the dirt against your foundation so that it slopes away from the house.

As your gutters fill with leaves, seed pods, and other debris, they overflow during a hard rainfall instead of draining as intended. That puts an unusually heavy downpour of water right near the foundation of the house. As that water soaks into the ground, it can easily find any cracks that might be in the foundation wall and then find its way into your basement. Sadly, in the Spring and in the Fall, you may need to clean your gutters every few weeks to keep them flowing smoothly.

Adding fill dirt up against your foundation and gradually sloping it away from the house encourages the water to settle elsewhere, out in the yard, where it doesn't do any harm. The amount of fill dirt you'll need will vary according to your yard. To avoid attracting termites and causing wood rot, the dirt shouldn't touch wood siding. But, make sure that it creates enough of a slope so that the water will easily flow downhill and away from your basement.

Call today to schedule an inspection for your property, 913-268-0222. Radon testing, mold testing, and termite inspections available, too.

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