Thursday, July 8, 2021

Realtor Comments

A Kansas City real estate agent, making his first sale of his new career, called to schedule a Complete Home Inspection for his client. The agent had been training with agents who use Complete Home Inspection exclusively. The new agent said that they told him he "had to use Miki for his inspection because she is the best". One of the agents who was serving as his mentor has always said that he liked how fast I was in my home inspections, how thorough my inspections were, and how I didn't scare his clients by making a big deal out of the things we uncovered during our inspections. That's always great to hear.

Whole house inspections, condo inspections, radon testing, mold testing, and more, we do it all for you. Call or E-mail today to schedule your Complete Home Inspection, 913-268-0222,