Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Helping train others

Earlier this month, I was one of six home inspectors from around the country selected to present during the first-ever "ASHI Virtual Summit", an online seminar for members of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI). My two-hour presentation was "Home Inspection Methodology and Learning From Mistakes", designed to help home inspectors of all experience levels develop a consistent method of doing their inspections while focusing on learning from mistakes made by other home inspectors.
Following my presentation, one of the online attendees commented, "Not to be missed, Miki Mertz’ Inspection Methodology was wonderful. It ought to be required training for all home inspectors. Incredibly thorough and well thought out. I only wish she’d had time for the last 15 or so slides.
So many good things about it but I especially like the way she kept reminding us that everyone’s style is different, choose the method best for you and then be consistent."
That's nice to hear. Over the years, it's been a privilege to share my experience and knowledge with my colleagues in order to improve the industry as a whole.
Whole house inspections, condo inspections, radon testing, mold testing, and more, we do it all for you. Call or E-mail today to schedule your Complete Home Inspection, 913-268-0222,