January is Kansas Radon Action Month, and National Radon Action Month,
designed to educate
you about the dangers of radon exposure and encourage you to identify and
address radon problems in your home. Radon is a tasteless, odorless, colorless,
naturally occurring radioactive gas found in nearly all soils. So, you won't know your home has a radon problem unless you test for it. Outdoors, radon is diluted to low concentrations. But
once inside an enclosed space, radon can accumulate to significant levels. To help inform you about the dangers of radon gas and the importance of radon testing, view my podcast -
Complete Home Inspection Radon Podcast.
About one out of every three radon measurements performed in Kansas are
elevated, being above 4 pCi/l (picoCuries per liter). Johnson County,
KS, averages around 5.3 pCi/l. Wyandotte and Leavenworth counties in Kansas see similar test result levels.
The best way to find out if your house, or the house you're looking to
buy, has a radon problem is to have a certified radon professional, such as
Miki Mertz of Complete Home Inspection, do a test for you. Complete Home
Inspection uses a continuous radon monitor that takes samples over a period of
two full days, with the test unit placed in the lowest livable level of the
house. Windows are kept closed throughout the time of the test. The test
results are then averaged into an overall number for your final report. As
mentioned earlier, if the radon level is higher than 4.0piC/l, then it should
be fixed, or "mitigated". In Kansas, all residential real estate
contracts include a recommendation that home buyers include a radon test on
homes purchased. All radon tests performed during real estate transactions in
Kansas must be conducted by a state-certified radon tester, such as Miki Mertz
of Complete Home Inspection.
Additional information about radon can be found
on the Complete Home Inspection web site at The danger of radon gas,
at www.kansasradonprogram.org,
and at www.epa.gov/radon.
Whole house inspections, condo inspections, radon testing, mold testing,
and more, we do it all for you. Call or E-mail today to schedule your
Complete Home Inspection, 913-268-0222, www.completehome inspectionkc.com.