Friday, April 27, 2018

Reason #8,627 to have a house inspected

During a Complete Home Inspection recently, I could tell that there was something drastically wrong with a basement wall. It was out-of-plumb. Not having X-ray vision, I couldn't see exactly what was happening behind the drywall. But I told my clients and their realtor what I suspected was going on. And, I explained to them that this was a major problem.

At my suggestion, they brought in a structural engineer and a contractor to take a look. They were allowed to cut open the drywall, something I can't do during an inspection. Here's what the realtor passed along - "The structural engineer and my contractor agreed that the single beam that is 'spliced' should have been a double beam and not spliced in that location. They are going to work together--(the engineer) will work up specs and (my contractor) will do the job--build a support column and push the wall back to plumb. (My contractor) can do the work for $2500-3500. (The engineer) said that the home is structurally sound other than that framing defect. Thank you for making a big deal--because it is a structural problem, and the structural engineer did confirm that. Would be awful if you didn't call it out and these buyers had to pay for the repair when it was discovered later. That is what happened to the current sellers and I can tell you they are very angry right now, for good reason. I appreciate your attention to detail and integrity!"

I don't usually refer clients to specialists like structural engineers. I can make repair determinations on most issues. But, in this case, a referral was what was needed. And my clients are satisfied with the outcome. That's what's most important. When they were looking at the house, they had too many other things on their minds to notice an out-of-plumb basement wall. That's what they hired me for. And that's why you should have any house inspected BEFORE you buy. You just never know what might be hidden from plain view.

Whole house inspections, condo inspections, radon testing, mold testing, and more, we do it all for you. Call or E-mail today to schedule your Complete Home Inspection, 913-268-0222,