Monday, August 10, 2015

Regular Check-ups for Radon Gas

The Weather Channel recently aired a report on the rising levels of radon gas in homes in the northwest. As detailed in the March 9, 2013 post on this blog, deadly radon gas finds new ways to get into your house during periods of drought. That's what's happening now in the northwest. Due to their extended drought, the ground has been moving, shrinking, and cracking around and under foundations. That opens up new pathways for radon gas to escape the soil. And, the movement of the earth can cause new cracks to form in foundations, which opens up new pathways for radon to then get into houses.

This summer, drought hasn't been an issue in Kansas City. But conditions have still been changing over time in, around and under your house. So saying that you tested for radon once upon a time, doesn't guarantee that you'll now live happily ever after. In fact, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment recommends that you test your home's radon gas level every two years. And it's particularly important to do when you're buying a new property. Radon is a naturally existing radioactive gas found underground. It is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers, and the second leading cause among smokers. You can't smell it or see it, but for about three out every five homes tested in our area, it's there and at dangerous levels.

Here's what's involved - Complete Home Inspection uses a continuous radon monitor that takes samples over a period of two full days. The test unit is placed in the lowest livable level of the house. Windows are kept closed throughout the time of the test.  The test results are then averaged into an overall number for your final report. If the radon level is higher than 4.0piC/l, then it should be fixed, or "mitigated". In Kansas, your home must be tested by a certified radon tester. Missouri has no certification program as of yet, but it simply makes sense to have a trained professional handle your test for you. Inexpensive do-it-yourself test kits are not what you want to rely on when it comes to your family's health and well-being. Instead, rely on the knowledge and competence of a certified radon tester. I'm a Kansas certified radon tester and have been certified by the NRPP (National Radon Proficiency Program) for years. So, play it safe. Give me a call.
Whole house inspections, condo inspections, radon testing, mold testing, and more, we do it all for you. Call or E-mail today to schedule your Complete Home Inspection, 913-268-0222,