Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New informative video for you

We've added a new informative video for you to our web site -

This video shows how your needs will be met in your Kansas City home inspection when you hire Complete Home Inspection to do your inspection for you - both what you need, and what you DON'T need. Here's the video link on the web site -

Whole house inspections, condo inspections, radon testing, mold testing, and more, we do it all for you. Call or E-mail today to schedule your own Complete Home Inspection,. 913-268-0222,

Friday, February 8, 2013

Reason #6,437 to have your home inspected

Here's something you wouldn't have noticed until well after you bought the property and moved in.
Kansas City home inspection
Fire damage in the attic. When you're shopping for a new home, you look at the floor plan, curb appeal, kitchen layout, and the like. You don't go into the attic and look for signs of damage from a previous fire. That's why you hire Complete Home Inspection. We do that for you.
Kansas City home inspection
Unless you're thinking of converting the attic space to living space, you would never even look there. Since this fire damage was not on the seller's disclosure form, my client would have completed the purchase completely unaware of what was lurking overhead. My discovery was quite a surprise to the home buyer and to the realtors involved.

You have so many things on your mind when you're looking to buy a home. And there can be so many pitfalls for you along the way. Get the peace of mind that comes from having Complete Home Inspection do your Kansas City home inspection for you. It'll be one less thing for you to worry about.

Whole house inspections, condo inspections, radon testing, mold testing, and more, we do it all for you. Call or E-mail today to schedule your own Complete Home Inspection, 913-268-0222,